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Brochure writing and email marketing for Dell Professional Services

Dell is best known for affordable computer hardware. But the company also provides IT consultancy under the brand “Dell Professional Services.”

The company needed to explain its relatively new offering to the target audience, and position itself as the cost-effective and reliable choice.

I was asked to create the copy for a brochure and a number of email “e-blasts” designed to create awareness and generate leads for the sales teams.

The project involved liaison with designers and marketing teams as well as line managers within Dell itself. I interviewed senior staff at Dell Professional Services and crafted a brochure that succinctly communicated the key benefits while positioning Dell as a high-quality provider that cared deeply about customer service.

The following is from the brochure itself:

“Dell is renowned for providing industry leading products at very competitive pricing. Now, we’ve taken that approach, and applied it to Professional Services – and introduced innovative new ways for you to access the expertise you need, at the lowest possible prices.

“Whatever you’re trying to achieve – whether it’s related to migration, server consolidation, introducing clustering, or simply getting more out of your existing infrastructure, Dell is the reliable, trusted specialist you can turn to for improved performance and lower operating costs.”

Copywriting for Dell brochure

Copywriting for Dell brochure