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Copywriting for the launch of new Adobe software

advert for software companyWhen Adobe launched a new version of Acrobat, I was asked to write a direct mail campaign, emailers and a series of press adverts specifically targeting the designer community in the UK.

Adobe also wanted to promote its capabilities in other areas – specifically workflow solutions for large enterprises.

The challenge was to explain what Adobe’s software products had to offer, cutting through a lot of technical jargon and marketing-speak.

brochure for IT companyThe literature was mainly targeted at senior managers, IT departments and C-level board members. My job was to get their attention and convince them of the proven business benefits.

The range of literature I worked on included white papers, direct mail  and advertising. In particular I was involved in writing a series of brochures, some targeted at specific sectors, including government, manufacturing and finance. I also wrote a large overview brochure, which summarised the entire Adobe offering in the area of enterprise solutions.

Adobe HRdm(not final)