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Brochures, direct mail, letters and mailers for software giant SAP

Explaining the benefits of technology – in clear English

SAP is one of the world’s biggest software companies – creators of the one of the leading ERP (enterprise resource planning) solutions. This is the kind of software used to run major corporations – and it can handle everything from controlling robots on the factory floor to administering the HR department and fine-tuning the supply chain for precision parts delivery.

copywriting for software giant SAP

Brochures, direct mail and sales letters for SAP

It’s huge, it’s complex, and it’s not the kind of software bought on a whim. It is, in fact, a major investment and a significant strategic decision, likely to be taken over a number of years, with many people involved, and probably involving a formal bid process.

This means winning hearts and minds and generating new business is a long-term operation.

I was asked to help with the creation of a range of supporting material designed to promote SAP among a wide range of audiences and explain the many and varied benefits the software can bring.

Marketing tailored for specific audiences

Marketing tailored for specific audiences

This included writing a major 28-page brochure on e-business capabilities complete with a wide range of case studies. I also worked on a range of direct mail material to be sent out to prospects. These mailers, postcards and mini-brochures were designed to promote a range of events being held by SAP to generate interest and awareness of their e-business offerings. The mailers were supported by sales letters and an email campaign.

I also worked on a range of complementary brochures and mailers targeting different sectors – such as medium-sized businesses; as well as different individuals involved in the decision-making process, such as IT departments and senior management.

The result was a range of marketing collateral which contained a strong emphasis on business benefits with clear explanations of the technologies and concepts involved, all of it written in jargon-free English tailored to the interests and expertise of the target audience.

The collateral included a wide range of case studies

The collateral included a wide range of case studies