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Copy that squares the circle for Cube Consult

Marketing and branding text for ebusiness consultancy

Marketing and branding text for consultancy

Creating a well-rounded sales pitch

Cube Consult asked me to help with their marketing by writing some compelling and clear text for a sales leaflet to be distributed to potential clients.

As is standard practice in marketing materials, I began by setting out the problem or challenge the prospect faces – in this case looking at how taking the first steps into ebusiness can be daunting and confusing. There are myriad consultancies offering help – but will they be the right people, there for the long-haul?

Having set the scene, the copy moved on to presenting what my client, Cube Consult, could offer.

But I wanted to bring it all to life. I wanted to make Cube appear friendly, approachable and human. So I indulged in a little word play, designed to reinforce the branding and make it more memorable:

Wording that enhances the branding.

Wording that enhances the branding.

Stop going round in circles
Cube is a new kind of eBusiness consultancy – one that can square these circles for you. Cube goes beyond the advice and planning stage to offer a complete implementation strategy and end-to-end project management.

We use only leading industry professionals with proven track records and the solutions we deliver are proven to work.

Refreshingly, perhaps uniquely, you’ll also find that Cube won’t encircle you with jargon. It’s eBusiness delivered by approachable professionals who’ll explain things clearly and always put you in the picture.

[blockquote-right]”I’m lost for words! This is genius.”[/blockquote-right]

When I sent him the copy, Chris Currie of Cube Consult contacted me to say: “I’m lost for words! This is genius. As soon as I started reading it I broke into a smile that is still on my face. Thank you so much – I’m quite simply delighted!”