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Copy that squares the circle for Cube Consult

Marketing and branding text for consultancy

Marketing and branding text for ebusiness consultancy

Cube Consult asked me to help with their marketing and branding. I wanted to make Cube appear friendly, approachable and human, so I indulged in a little word play, designed to reinforce the branding and make it more memorable

Quaggy River leaflet for the Environment Agency

Quaggy River leaflet for the Environment Agency thumbnail

Brochure for the Environment Agency

A case study to communicate the benefits of a river restoration The wonderfully-named Quaggy River runs through part of South-East London, including the boroughs of Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham. The river regularly flooded, due to development on the flood plain, and the Environment Agency had carried out a huge amount of restoration work. The aim [...]